New dictionaries for DIVA e-readers!

In addition to the dictionaries already integrated in your DIVA or DIVA HD (English & French > French) e-reader you can now add the following : English, english > italian, english > polish, Italian, German, German > French, Spanish (two dictionaries). These can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the links below: : … Continue reading New dictionaries for DIVA e-readers!

Why I love my Cybook, reason n°73

Going on holiday, in the year X B.E.* : *Before Ebook Readers Summer's almost here, and thoughts turn to vacation and dreams of far-away places... Alas, inevitably, before you go anywhere you must face the dreaded Trial of the Suitcase (Hercules himself, after tossing off his 12 labours before lunch, blanched at the thought) : how … Continue reading Why I love my Cybook, reason n°73

#Tip Personalise your Cybook screensaver!

Know your Cybook: the cover of the book you're reading, one of the pictures that come pre-installed in your Cybook, or why not the portrait of your T-Rex / budgie / kitten? Did you know? You can personsalise the screensaver of your Cybook! The default screensavers Your Cybook comes with pre-installed screensavers evoking authors or literary … Continue reading #Tip Personalise your Cybook screensaver!

15 years already!

Today, April 18 2018, Bookeen turned 15! In 2003, in an appartment in the south of Paris, Laurent Picard and Michaël Dahan founded Bookeen for "book enthusiasts". Fifteen years later, some things haven't changed: we're still just as passionate about ebooks! As for the rest... After moving house a few times, Bookeen are still … Continue reading 15 years already!

A very happy birthday to Michael S. Hart, the inventor of the ebook!

Today is Michael S. Hart's birthday, and that is something to celebrate! He was born the 8th of March, 1947. Who was he, you ask? I'd say he was a visionary and an activist who decided to fight ignorance and illiteracy with the best possible weapons: books. Oh, and also he just happens to be … Continue reading A very happy birthday to Michael S. Hart, the inventor of the ebook!

New Year’s resolutions: Read more!!

Ah, January. Time to reflect on the past year and plan for the new one; time to make a few resolutions and cultivate healthy reading habits... So, New Year's Resolutions: can we talk about that? Let's start with the obvious one: read more. When I put it like that, who can argue, right? 😉 But, … Continue reading New Year’s resolutions: Read more!!