34 thoughts on “Firmware upgrade

  1. Finally! Congratulations on getting it out in time for Christmas, for both DRM types, for all Cybooks.Have a nice Christmas Bookeen – but don't rest on your laurels. There's lots of improvements to be made to the firmware.


  2. It's nice to see the firmwares finally available. I wish I still had my Cybook to test them. I haven't bought another reader since I lost my Cybook, and for now I don't think I will (the market is too problematic right now when it comes to formats) but I'm happy for those who have the Cybook. I'm sure it's a worthwhile upgrade.


  3. Thanks for posting the indeed long awaited firmware updates. I want to ask you, is it possible to revert to the original firmware if something goes wrong? And how to backup my current Cybook system?


  4. I have followed the manual by downloading and upgrading. But the reader does not upgrade itself. I hold the center button. The only difference is that the reader opens the first book.


  5. It doesn't work. I formatted an SD card, FAT32 format. I downloaded the update_kernel file. I copied it on the SD card. I put the card inside the GEN3, tried to boot while pressing the center button during the logo page. A hundred times. It always boots as usual, never updates anything. What am I doing wrong ?


  6. Great Christmas gift…Thanks Bookeen.P.S. After some playing some time with the new firmware (1.5) I have a little problem. When I try to lookup a word the Gen3 reboots. I tried moving the dictionary file from the SD to the device main memory (64 MB) whit the same result. Before installing the new firmware (1.5) I had no problem with lookup using the same dictionary. The dictionary file is always installed in the eBook forlder.


  7. hellomerry x-mas and thanks for the update.would you mind put online a better readme file?,i don´t know how to manage zomm with + – bottom.Is it possible to rotate(LANDSCAPE) with mpbipocket files?.Does the "reflow" work in version 2.0 in Pdf files?….thanks


  8. I have upgraded my Cybook Opus to the epub 2.0 firmware and it seems the device can no longer read the meta data correctly. Books on the library page seem to derive the title from the filename (which as I am using calibre means you get things like "Sole Survivor – Dean R. Koontz_23" and the author is no longer displayed below the title line. I have tried copying the files across using several means and checked the meta data on the device itself – all looks fine. Help!


  9. In my first try – i did not succeed in upgrading my Cybook Reader. My error was that i tried to upgrade with a SD Micro Card in a SD adapter. Nothing happend.When i changed to a SD card the update was successfull.


  10. Dear Bookeen TeamAfter some playing some time with the new firmware (1.5) I have a little problem. When I try to lookup a word the Gen3 reboots. I tried moving the dictionary file from the SD to the device main memory (64 MB) whit the same result. Before installing the new firmware (1.5) I had no problem with lookup using the same dictionary. The dictionary file is always installed in the eBook forlder. I was wondereing whether there is some limitation in the formatting of the folder names (are spaces and uppercases allowed?) or in the number of subfolders level?Regards


  11. Thanks for this upgrade almost perfect (1.5) !For the issue with dictionaries (lookup mode, search takes now 70s for 500+ ebooks), a member from MobileRead suggested a solution that's do the trick (tested by myself !) :Create a folder parallel to the eBooks one, and move all subfolders and ebooks from eBooks folder to it. Keep in eBooks folder only the dictionaries.2s then ! 😉


  12. I just upgraded to firmware v2.0!Support to Pdf now is great!I have only one problem. I cant see images in the pdf file.With firmware 1.2 everything was ok… why this happened?Suggestion?TNX


  13. The new firmware works fine. Too bad Adobe Digital Editions is such a poor product. I bought my first book in EPUB format only to find out that ADE crashes when applying their DRM measures. I am still trying to get a refund from the book vendor.I guess I will move back to mobipocket.


  14. Two upgrades, one dilemma: whatever you choose you lose something important. With 2.0 there's the epub smart use of the hole cybook screen. That means the margins are very small. And there's the table of contents in the "go to…" menu. Cool! And finally there is the page numbering! Regarding pdfs we have the "crop margins" function. Again cool because I use a lot pdfs. But there's no "look up" function for epub! And no bookmarks! These are big cons along with the pros. With the 1.5 there's the "look up" function, but there's the same non-economic use of the screen with big margins. Others cons: the pageometer (?) and the lack of "crop margins" for pdfs.For the two upgrades: Ok, the folder view is cool, same for delete button. But there's again the library view where you can't see the full name of the book. Sorry, but my patience was not rewarded. With this upgrades you implemented some important functions, but no real innovation. And when you can't have all the pros on the same upgrade it's sad!


  15. Great news. But having some trouble upgrading. I have a Mac computer. Can anyone tell me if there is anything different to do re SD card or whatever. I have followed the firmware instructions but my Cybook is still not update. Any advice much appreciated.


  16. I am having a problem upgrading by Opus via the microSD as per your pdf.The Opus does not seem to recognize the card on boot up. What I mean by this is if you insert the card and switch on the Opus it starts up normally, it does not matter how long you hold in the center key. Once it has started up the microSD card is not visible.When you however take the microSD card out and put it back in it (with the Opus on) it immediately shows. Please help!Is there no way to upgrade via the USB connection?


  17. I have a big problem, with 2.0 when I use "Go to page…" and I set a big number, like 90, the cybook "crashes", after a lot of time it resets… I can not read my book with this bug!!Has anyone with the same problem?


  18. My Cybook gen3 has been unusable since I've updated to last firmware 2 (or 1.5). It is stalling for any reason (like enabling/disabling folder view, or turning library pages). I use the reset button everytimes I turn it on.This behavior happens also with no books loaded in it.Please give me an url to download the previous 1.2 firmware so I can use my ebook again.Model : CYBGEN310BNuméro de série : 0216945


  19. Thanks a lot !Have been waiting for the directory support for a looong time :-)To all : the upgrade didn't work at first for me, had to try again two times. I suggest waiting 2 to 3 seconds when the big image appear on the screen *before* pushing down the center button. Then keep it down until it flashes two times like it says in the readme. That appeared to work.(additionally, I suppose it could be possible, by putting a update_kernel ELF ARM file on the SD card, to execute any binary one might want to execute on the cybook ? gotta try that :-))


  20. Same problem for me, Perry: cybook crashes on "go to page". With some epubs also crashes on specific pages: converting epub to RTF and reconverting to epub (with calibre) i solved the (last) problem. Firmware 2.0 has also other bugs:1. "+" button for text dimension works only few times2. sometimes turning pages doesn't work: it seems you have to wake up cybook from "standby" with a click and with another click it turns pages


  21. Any chance of receiving a firmware update soon resolving the meta data problem? It's pretty annoying browsing through the library and finding only filenames where we used to see meta data.


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