This week’s winner, and new firmware updates!

We couldn’t be happier to see all the photos for our “Cybook Parade” contest! Thank you to all who have sent them! For those just joining us, the contest is simple: just send us a photo to show us where you take your Cybook. For the entire month of June, we’ll choose one photo per week and the winner will receive a cover in the color of their choice. It’s not too late to send your photo, you might win next week!

We are in a hurry to announce our third winner. It could be a case of life or death. As you can see, this person urgently needs some protection for her Opus. Just look at what it’s up against!

Opus vs. Terminator!

We are hoping that she will keep sending us more great photos, but clearly if her Opus is going to confront the Terminator it is in dire need of a cover to protect it! So congratulations go to…

Lisa M.!

For her death-defying feats of bravery in the face of scary cyborg assassins (and the photos to prove it)! We hope she’ll send us more photos of the Adventures of Lisa’s Opus, we’re on the edge of our seat!

Bravo and congratulations, Lisa! You can see more photos from our readers, including more by Lisa, on our facebook page.

Next week, the winner could be you! Show us where you like to read with your Cybook! Post your photo to our facebook page or send it to us by email at community[at]

Congratulations again Lisa, and good luck to everyone for next week.

New firmware updates available now!

We are very happy to announce that new firmware updates for your Cybook are available now on These updates are for version 2.1 with ePub support, and 1.6 with Mobipocket support. Both updates are compatible with all models of the Cybook Gen3 and Opus, and include bug fixes as well as new features, including our new “Instant Reading” feature, support for multi-level tables of contents, and expanded language support including non-latin languages. You will find all the details on our site.

Happy reading,

The Bookeen team

Join the discussion on facebook and twitter.

*NB: The small print: by sending us your photo, you agree that we can post it on facebook and / or on our website / in articles about Bookeen.

20 thoughts on “This week’s winner, and new firmware updates!

    1. Hello Gabriel,
      thanks for your message. Yes, our developpers noticed that the “crop-margin” function was unstable in the new firmware and so they preferred to disactivate it temporarily until it can be fixed. Don’t worry, we know how much our users appreciate this feature and our dev team is working hard on it and it will be back in future firmware update.

      In the meantime if you would like to revert, please contact our support via the form on our site here :

      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  1. Hi Team, I’ve tried adding the update_kernel file to two different SD (not HDSC) cards and then following your instructions.

    However, it appears that the reader doesn’t seem to identify the SD card in the holder until the machine has booted up. I turn on the machine with the SD card, hold the center button but it just goes through the normal boot cycle (even with me holding down the button until it goes to the file screen).

    On going in the folder view, the Cybook doesn’t appear to have picked up the SC card. But when I take out the card and put it back in again, it then picks up the card and displays the normal SD card folder. So the book can read the cards, but it appears that it’s having problems picking up on it from bootup. Is there anything that I can do to rectify this to get this update working? Just for your information, I only bought my Cybook 2 weeks ago (brand new) and it’s currently on firmware 1.9.

    Many thanks,


    1. Hi Rich,
      Sorry you’re having trouble updating! Please try this method:
      1 -> Turn on your Cybook
      2 -> Insert your SD card
      3 -> Wait for the SD logo to appear on the screen
      4 -> Shut down the Cybook (without removing the SD card)
      5 -> Turn on your Cybook again, this time following the procedure for the update
      6 -> Wait until the update finishes installing.

      I have heard that this method works very well. If you still have trouble, please contact our support here:

      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  2. What?!? “Crop the margin” removed?!?!? I think your developers don’t use a cybook as long as we do, without crop the margin it is impossible read a pdf and other 3 things:
    1) if I change zoom to work around “crop the margin” missing I have only 2 horizontal position in page all left and all right… i want read center, is it possible add another position?
    2) In 2.0 If I active “crop the margin” and “show status bar” together the status bar cover the page, is it possible adjust the zoom to consider if the status bar is present?
    3) when navigate menu if I press left or right it will be close, it is unbearable, can you disable it?

    Anyway… where is the firmware 2.0?
    Best regards,


    1. Hello Perrry,
      Thanks for your message. “Crop margins” is a feature developped by Bookeen dev team (not a part of Adobe’s software). With the latest version we noticed it became unstable and rather than release a firmware which was unstable, our devs preferred to temporarily disable it until they can fix the problem. But don’t worry, we know how important it is to you and it will be back!

      I will transmit your suggestions to our dev team, thank you for your input! We are always interested to hear from our users.

      For the firmware 2.0, please try contacting our support:

      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  3. Wanted to upgrade the software of the subject device with version 2.1.1198.
    It started but then it hanged on the last square – led is blinking and the line
    is not moving. It shows on the screen booken – cybook gen3, firmware upgrade
    version 2.1.1198
    I’d been waiting for about 10 minutes.

    Pressed rest, switched off then on. device started but hanged on the page with
    cybook logo.
    Tried to upgrade again – pressed reset, switched off then on and when logo appeared
    pressed central pad. Upgrade started – but again hanged on last square.
    Please advise


    1. Hi Alex,
      Our support does their best to answer all questions as quickly as possible, but sometimes they get quite a lot of queries at once. They reply in order of reception so I am sure you will get an answer as soon as they get to your message. Just to confirm, did you send an email, or did you use our online contact form at the address I mentioned previously? It’s better to use the online contact form.

      If you are in a really big hurry, you might also try leaving a message on the forums. I know that in this thread a kind member of the forum uploaded the previous version of the firmware in case someone needed it.

      /! VERY IMPORTANT please note that the OLD firmware is not compatible with the NEW Cybook Opus (color), because of different hardware. PLEASE DO NOT install the old firmware on a new Opus.

      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  4. I have cybook gen3 and tried to install the mentioned version exactly for this device. I’ve sent e-mail from the form and directly as well.


    1. Hi Alex,
      I am sure support will reply to you as quickly as they can. I will transmit your message to be absolutely sure they have received it. Thank you for your patience.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


    1. Hello Martien,
      thanks for your message. We haven’t forgotten! I’ll let you know as soon as I have any more information about that. Right now we have some upgrades for the Orizon which are first priority but the crop tool will be back. 🙂
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


    1. Hello Brunez,
      thanks for your message. Our devs are currently working on an update for the Cybook Opus. I don’t have all the details of the features that will be available at the moment but I will pass along your message and let you know as soon as I have some information.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  5. Thank you. It would be very nice to know whether there is some news about it. Or, at least, if there is a way to fix this problem until a new firmware will be available
    (for example a kind of downgrade to a version of the software that includes the possibility to crop margins of pdf)


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