Cybook Orizon: First upgrade available


We’re happy to let you know that the first upgrade for the Cybook Orizon is now available. All you have to do is activate the wifi connection on your Orizon, the upgrade will be automatically downloaded. Just confirm installation and you’re done.

Install this upgrade for new features and some bug fixes :

– Bookmark support: menu (add/remove, move to bookmark) + shortcut (tap the top right corner)

– “Flashing refresh” option: display refresh flashing effect can be deactivated

– Update contains 7 user manuals: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch & Russian.

– Localization: improvements for Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Slovak & Turkish

– Bug fix: Current page was sometimes saved as previous page

– Bug fix: Some activation cases

Happy reading !

Bookeen Team

51 thoughts on “Cybook Orizon: First upgrade available

  1. Nice job! Keep up the good work. This is a great linux-based reader. Too bad you don’t provide an open source SDK so that the community can improve the software and innovate.


    1. Hello matm,
      thanks for your message! We’re so glad you like it. We know that an SDK is very much in demand from our developper community and it is on our roadmap. I don’t have a confirmed calendar for its release but we do hear you and we are working on it! For the moment we have a few top priorities which take precedence (and SDK requires some development on our side) so it definitely won’t be released this year but as soon as I’ve got more information I will let you know here.
      Happy reading,
      Bookeen Team


  2. Glad to hear about all the developments. I was a bit mislead by the word ‘bookmark’ though. I was actually hoping for a bookmark system in the built-in browser. It would make it a LOT easier to download my daily newspaper if there was some way to jump to the download page directly from the main screen of the Orizon. Is anything like that coming up soon?


    1. Hello Elmer,
      thanks for your message. Many of you have requested bookmarks for the web browser, and I am transmitting all these requests to our dev team. I will let you know as soon as I have any information about support for this feature via an upgrade.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


    1. Hello jwalck,
      thanks for your message. We’re very glad you’re pleased with the first upgrade. Annotations / note taking will be coming very soon! We’ll keep you posted so keep your eyes open for news of the next upgrade. 🙂
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  3. Thank you Bookeen Team, that’s reassuring to hear you’re still planning for an SDK on the long run. 🙂
    For now, good work implementing bookmarks support! I hope dictionaries and highlighting/note taking will be next, and possibly won’t take too much. But I know that a completely custom dict implementation is somewhat hard…
    I can’t wait putting my hands on a Orizon here in Italy.
    Just one question about your previous devices: are you you backporting the bookmark support on Opus and Gen3? If so, will it take long?
    You know, Opus are selling like hotcakes here. 🙂
    Thank you.


    1. Ciao Anselmo,
      Hello to our Italian readers! Great to hear from you and very glad you’re happy with the first upgrade. Dictionaries are, as you say, a bigger project and will take a bit of time, however notes and highlighting are coming very soon. We’ll also add bookmark support to Opus and Gen3 of course; we appreciate our early adopters and we think everyone should benefit from our technical advances as long as the hardware can support it. And it’s great to know that Opus are selling like hotcakes in Italy! Thanks for the news. 🙂
      Happy reading,
      Bookeen Team


  4. Hi, i have just received my orizon from
    my Wifi uses WEP encription, can you explain me how to setup the connection ??
    the device finds the SSID name of wifi but it is not be able to connect to the internet.


  5. I’ve been using the Cybook Orizon the last two days. It’s really easy to use and comford to read. Good work. Please let me report two things to be fixed: a) In greek language, the accent over the letters in epub texts, appears as “?” (but not always!) b) the virtual keyboard in internet mode respons when typing the row “a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l” with the letters of the row “z,x,c,v,b,n,m”. I wonder if they are allready reported erros or it has to do with my specific apparat.
    P.S. Is there manual way of updating, or it all automatic?


    1. Hello gboukis,
      thanks for your message. Regarding your problem with Greek letters, make sure you have added a font which can display those letters, and when you open your book, choose that font from the menu. If that doesn’t work, it may be a problem with your epub file which is incorrectly coded. I hope that helps you!
      Concerning the upgrades, they will be available for download from our site, for people who don’t have easy access to a wifi connection. We’ll let you know as soon as they are available.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  6. One of those top priorities should be the release of the sources of and modifications made to (L)GPL licensed software to comply with the license terms and prevent copyright infrigment. 🙂


  7. My WLan has WPA2 an a Static IP (not DHCP). How can I Setup the IP-Adress manual on the Bookeen Cybook orizon? How can I see the MAC-Adress from the Bookeen Cybook Orizon? My Router has a MAC-Adress protection. Thanks for the Answer.



  8. Sorry, but I have no good comments.

    -why are so much questions without answers on this site?

    – I have an orizon and a lot of problems to enter the internet via WI-FI
    1. no explaination when/where entering the WLAN code
    2. I have two WLAN access points and each time I want to enter the internet I have to choose which access point I want to use. No reminding on the last used?
    3. From 20 times to enter the internet is only 1 try successful

    – Promotion says 150 books included, but that are all reading-samples (only 1 or 2 chapter and no complete books)

    – How can I do updates?

    I will try to get success for the next 2 days and if I have no success I will give my reader back.


    1. Hello Joachim,
      I am sorry you are frustrated. However please bear in mind that you are commenting on our blog here. I do my best to give as much information as possible, however I am not a technician and am not competent to give answers to technical questions directly. For this kind of help, you would do much better to contact our support directly using the form on our website: In addition, you posted your message on saturday, December 25 (Christmas day). Our team answers all messages we receive, however you may not get an answer immediately, due to the weekend and the holiday.

      Concerning the ebook bundle included at purchase, these books are a mix of classics and contemporary books. All of the classic books include the complete text. The contemporary books include some samples but also some complete books. Depending on which language(s) you read, the number of demo and full books will vary.

      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  9. Hi all,

    I have to apologize because the problems with the bad WLAN connection were housemade (two WLAN routers and both with activated DHCP), sorry again. But it still remains the “fake” with the 150 books, in the german library are only 3or 4 complete books. But the reader is excelent and I will hold him.



    1. Hello Joachim,
      I’m so glad you sorted your internet problem. Thanks very much for the message to let us know.

      Regarding the bundle of free books, as I explained in my previous reply, these books are a mix of classics and contemporary books. All of the classic books include the complete text. The contemporary books include some samples but also some complete books. Depending on which language(s) you read, the number of demo and full books will vary. If you’d like more free books, you might want to take a look at for example. You can even visit that site directly on your Orizon, using the shortcut on the home screen.

      Happy reading with your Orizon.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


    1. Hello Pata,
      I think when you mention the “flashing refresh” you are referring to is the screen reversal (black flash) which is typical of e-ink screens. You can see this in many videos, here is a recent unboxing / first impressions video of the Cybook Orizon where you can see this starting a little before 3 minutes the video text is in Greek however it’s a good visual demonstration even without the narrative. You can find other videos on youtube as well by doing a search.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  10. I meant to ask for a video of the display refresh when the flashing effect has been deactivated, as mention in the release notes for the first upgrade:

    – “Flashing refresh” option: display refresh flashing effect can be deactivated

    Thanks for the reply but the unboxing video didn’t satisfy my curiosity.


    1. Hello Pata,
      I’m afraid I can’t think of a video which demonstrates the disactivated black flash right now, but if you see a demonstration of the “fast forward” through several pages you can see what it looks like, since the black flash is not used while turning pages quickly. Instead you simply go from one page of text directly to the next.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  11. I have read quite a few comments from other users and couldn’t find an answer on the questions, that’s why I do ask again:

    – Is the update already out ?
    – If yes, is there a list with modifications/improvements done ?
    – If not, when it will come ?
    – Does the Cybook check if updates are available by himself while a WIFI connection will be established ?
    – Or do I have to enter a certain website ?

    Thanks in advance and best regards


    1. Hello Joerg,
      I’m not sure I understand your questions. If you are talking about the first upgrade, then yes, as mentioned in this blog post, it was released at the end of November. There is a list of features and bug fixes above, in this post. You do not have to go to a specific website to download it: simply activate the wifi connection on your Orizon and you will be automatically prompted to install the upgrade. The Orizon automatically checks for available updates whenever the wifi connection is activated, and will propose them for installation. If you accept the upgrade by clicking the button, it will be automatically downloaded and installed.

      The next upgrade will be available soon, and we will let you know here as soon as it is ready.

      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  12. I just got the Orizon and I was wondering if PDF reflow will be released soon or if you have a roadmap of when it is to be released. Also it would help if the screen orientation worked on pdfs, since it would make reading them easier before reflow is released.


    1. Hello Vassilis,
      thanks for your message. I don’t currently have a timeframe for pdf reflow but be assured I have communicated the comments on this subject to our dev team, and as soon as we’ve got any more information we will let you know here. However, we do recommend you use the epub format rather than pdf format if available; epub is a reflowable format which can adapt to the display available while preserving formatting, something pdf (even with reflow) cannot handle. Therefore, it gives much better results on an ereader.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  13. the Canadian book store only seems to sell French books? is there a way to get it to change what book store it uses(I do not speak French!). is this going to be fixed with a firmware update any time soon?


  14. Hi, I have opened a web page with my Cybook and it told that I had to do an upgrade. I upgraded it, but I cannot find the support for notetaking, and some other features emphasized on the box, on the web site …
    I like the product, but I’d like also to use these features.
    When will be avaiable an upgrade to include them ?


    1. Hello Giovanni,
      thanks for your message. The next upgrade featuring note-taking abilities will be available very soon. We will let you know here as soon as it is ready, and of course (as you saw already) your Cybook Orizon will automatically detect it and propose to install it via the wifi connection.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  15. Thx Bookeen Team,
    I’ve bought the Orizon in mid of December and it came with the BooReader V3.0 (build 1315). It never asked for an update since I have it, so I assume I am on the last version, can You confirm ?
    Is there a kind of release note for this version ?
    Which version the next BooReader will have and will there be a release note ? Just want to be sure weather I am on the actual version or not.
    In case I do not confirm the upgrade, does it then retry next time ?
    Even with all the features added, it would be great to have them on one pdf page with the actual version of BooReader mentioned + release date.
    Sorry to bother You, but can’t find the information on www.
    Thx in advance


    1. Hello Joerg,
      Yes, you currently have the latest version of the firmware. Since you purchased your Orizon in mid-December (after the first update was released), it was updated before you received it. That’s why you’ve never seen the update prompt.
      We will have more details about the releases on our website in the updates section (in the top menu: Support > Download, then click on “Firmware” in the page) soon. I’ll try to get some more information for you and keep you posted.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  16. Hi all,
    I am using very satisfactorily Orizon since Christmas. About the refresh feature I understand that it could avoid the flashing effect, but I also believe that if you exclude it, it is possible that the screen will keep memory of the previous pages, and soon the page becomes unreadable. Do you agree? Also, it is possible that such “memory effect” is favored by cool environment?
    In conclusion, at the moment I prefer to keep the refresh feature.
    Congratulations and best regards


    1. Hello Francesco,
      We’re very glad to know you are enjoying your Cybook Orizon. You are quite right about the page refresh; the black flash when you refresh the page permits to avoid “ghosting”, traces of the previous page which remain faintly visible when you turn the page. This is why we don’t recommend turning it off for extended use.
      I am not sure whether this effect is exacerbated by cool environment, and it depends what you mean by “cool” 😉 however it is possible that very cold (close to or below 0°C) will have some effect; I do know that the battery does not like very cold weather (this is true of all batteries) and so it can decharge more quickly if you use it outside in very cold weather.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  17. Hi,

    I’m going to purchase my Orizon very soon! I am waiting for the highlighting and note-taking function before purchasing it.

    I would also like to know if there will be a search function available. I am a student and will be using the Orizon for school notes. Hence, I would like to know if I will be able to search for key words and stuff like that! 😀

    Thank you for making such an awesome product. I’ve been searching high and low for something like this!

    If I am able to highlight, take notes (handwritten preferably) and search keywords, I will definitely purchase the Orizon without any hesitation.

    Best regards,


    1. Hello Hanis,
      thanks for your message, it’s great to see people who are enthusiastic about the Orizon! 🙂
      Highlighting and note-taking features will be available very soon, keep an eye on our blog where we’ll announce the upgrade. Note-taking will be available via a virtual keyboard.
      I *believe* that keyword search is planned as well (via upgrade), I will check that with our dev team to be sure.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  18. Thank you for responding so promptly!

    I forgot to mention I’ll also be waiting for the dictionary. Which, I understand from the above posts, will take some time. I study multiple languages and it would be great to not have to lug a dictionary around when I want to practice my foreign languages. I will wait patiently for this update 😀

    I will also read comics on the orizon! That’s why I’m so glad the Orizon is here. It’s perfect for tech geeks like me.

    Also, it would be awesome if you guys could upload a real life video show casing all of Orizons features because I can’t find that online. Perhaps showing Orizon with a pdf document, an ePub document and a graphic one.

    Just an additional two cents from me. Thanks again, for all your help.



    1. Hi again Hanis!
      thanks for your message. We know dictionaries are very important to our users, this is why we are studying the best way to implement this feature and plan to add it via an upgrade. For information, the tricky detail is that currently the IDPF (the organisation responsible for defining the epub standard) is working on a format for integrated lookup dictionaries, however none exists so far. Therefore to implement dictionary lookup for epub format, it’s necessary to make up a “home brew” solution. We will implement the official standard when it becomes available, but since many of our users are very interested in dictionaries we’re also studying an intermediate, made-in-Bookeen solution which would allow us to transition to the official standard in time.
      There are quite a few videos of the Orizon available if you search on youtube for example. And here are some photos of a manga on an Orizon, taken by one of our users, click on the photo to see the full-size version.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  19. Hi

    I have just updated my firmware and all is good but, could you please point me in the right direction with the following:
    When I log into the ebooks page the main options are in english, when i click on any of the option, it changes to french. The browser heading is still in english, but the contents has changes to french.

    please assist.


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