Cybook Odyssey Upgrade

An upgrade for the Cybook Odyssey to version 1470 is available since friday 25th of November. It is automatically proposed when the Odyssey connects to internet.

Principal Changes

  • Optimisation of the reactivity and the sensitivity of the touch interface.
  • Animations and scrolling even more fluid.
  • Bug fix for USB disconnections.
  • Improvements / corrections for the highlighting and notes features (1 and 2 fingers).
  • Serial number visible in the “About” window and in the file /system/sn.txt.

35 thoughts on “Cybook Odyssey Upgrade

  1. hi, I have ugraded my cybook odyssey (Feltrinelli edition- Italian) with the new firmware that it ask me to download, but i cannot connect via USB the ebook reader to any pc or mac. Can anyone help me?


  2. My Odyssey does not ask me for the upgrade .. Is there a way to trigger it manually (e.g. go on a website or download it to root of the device ? )


    1. Hello Alex,
      yes, you can manually tell the Odyssey to check for the upgrade if you have access to a wifi connection. While connected, use the central button to display the main menu, and select “menu” at the far right. In the “Internet” menu, slide your finger from the bottom to the top to scroll down, and at the bottom of the list choose “Check for update”. In addition, the upgrade will soon be available on our site, in the “Support > Download” page.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  3. Hi. +1 on the English dictionary. I own a Opus and I really want to upgrade to a Odyssey… But only if it has the one thing I really miss on the Opus: The English Dictionary! Keep up the good work Bookeen.


    1. Hello Pawel,
      yes, Polish language is one of the languages available for our user interface. The languages are:
      CS – Czech
      DA – Danish
      DE – German
      EL – Greek
      EN – English
      ES – Spanish
      FI – Malagasy
      FR – French
      HR – Croatian
      HU – Hungarian
      IT – Italian
      NL – Dutch
      NO – Norwegian
      PL – Polish
      PT – Portuguese
      RO – Romanian
      RU – Russian
      SV – Swedish
      TR – Turkish
      SK – Slovak
      ZS, ZT (Asian languages, I cannot type these characters on my keyboard)
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  4. Hi all.
    The Odyssey (Feltrinelli edition) can’t read any microSD card that I put in. I try 8 and 16 GB card, formatted in FAT32 and NTFS, but no way… The firmware is upgraded.


  5. I bought the Odyssey at Feltrinelli shop saturday, I try to upgrade the device with
    Wi-Fi connection (two different) but don’t work, I try to connect with USB
    to my PC (Window XP) but the PC see the device only few seconds and after shut down the connection, I try also with micro SD (HC) but the Odyssey don’t see the card at all.
    You can help me?


  6. Hi!
    Will the availability of the Odyssey on the German market be improved in the near future? I would love buying one, but I can only find one retailer who sells it for 159€ which is way more than offers in the rest of europe, isnt it? I’ve seen the Odyssey being sold in France for 129€… will there be something comparable in Germany?



  7. Dear Bookeen, I’ve received my Odyssey yesterday, and so far I am pretty impressed. I love the design of this little device – no unnecessary & distracting buttons or labels. However I managed to catch couple of bugs, so I want to share them with you:

    1. Cannot read any folder having single quote character in its name, like “O’Reilly”. Odyssey quits the file browser when trying to open such folder or even hangs!
    2. No thumbails (cover page images) when books are in 3rd level subfolder on SD card, i.e. root/2nd/books/
    3. Odyssey hang if I turn it off, remove SD card, then turn it on. I did that once, and I had to reset.
    4. Some books have white (blank) cover pages (other software show them fine), i.e.:
    5. Polish translation is incomplete: Toolbar labels like “Library”, “Store” or “Menu” via O button are not translated, home screen labels “see all”, “browse” are not translated.
    6. PDF content bottom is being covered by status bar, so when cropping margins, zooming and scrolling down, status bar covers last line of PDF text.
    7. Sometimes the side buttons do not trigger, I have to press them twice. Maybe it is the problem of getting used to them.

    And now some enhacement request that would make Odyssey nearly perfect:
    1. Please add an setting to turn off “book cover zoom” animation when opening new or “currently reading”, it is very annoying for me and really useless. I’d prefer all the UI had immediate response.
    2. Add English (and other like Polish) dictionary, I ready mostly English books now on Odyssey, but it has only French dictionary.
    3. Replace (>) signs for PDF scrolling with something less visible (semi transparent), as it covers text when reading zoomed. PDF view IMHO needs some polish.
    4. When scrolling down zoomed PDF it scrolls too little, PDF part that was on the bottom is in the middle of the screen after scroll rather than the top, so I need 3 scrolls instead 2 to scroll from top to bottom. (especially when reading PDF in landscape mode)
    5. Add more contrast to PDF (or contrast setting), small fonts barely visible.

    Best regards,


    1. Hello Adam,
      thanks for your very detailed feedback, I will pass this along to our team. You can also submit feedback directly using the contact form on our site.
      Some info I can give you, you will be able to disactivate the book cover animation soon, we’ll add that option via an upgrade. English dictionary is also planned, I can’t tell you the date but it will be added via an upgrade as well.
      We are very sorry to hear the polish translation is incomplete! If you would like to send us (using the contact form on our site) the necessary translations we will add them.
      Happy reading,
      Bookeen Team


  8. Hi,

    1) Will the Odyssey be available for sale in Australia? And when? And how much?

    2) Can we get an English version in Paris? Where? and How much?

    Merci beaucoup !


    1. Hello Goffredo,
      for availability of Cybooks in Australia, please check our resellers page: Also note that we are happy to ship to you anywhere in the world, if you want to order directly from us.
      As for the english version, all Cybooks support english language, you just need to choose that language from the list available in the menu. So the answer to your second question is yes, and you can get them from any of our resellers. Prices may vary since the resellers can set the price themselves.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  9. Yesterday I have manual update (build 1476) my Odissey and now it
    work well, but differently to the instructions I put the update file directly
    in the Odissey memory and not in the micro SD card, after I switch off the reader, I press the central button and switch on, waited until the boot image appears and realesed it, the update start and in two minutes is completed.

    Now I’m a happy reader


    1. Hello Anon,
      I think you may be confusing audio support with TTS; Cybooks do not offer TTS feature and to my knowledge have not in the past. I don’t have any info about adding this feature currently.
      Best regards,
      Bookeen Team


  10. Hello,

    I have been a happy user of Odyssey for a few weeks. I find that it would be even more friendly if several recent items were listed in the “Lectures en cours” panel. It happens to me very often to read 2-3 different books during more of less the same period of time. While the most recent ebook pops up very easily, switching to one of the others is a hassle…

    Best regards,


    1. Hello Jacek,
      Good news, this is already available. 🙂 In order to see your 5 latest books, just slide your finger from right to left to scroll through the list. The grey dots at the bottom of the panel will show you where you are in the list. The same feature is available for the Library and Internet panels, to show recently added titles and your Internet bookmarks.
      Happy reading,
      Bookeen Team


  11. Hello,

    I started to do an update on my cybook odyssey, but 6 hours later it still doesn’t respond and I cannot restart the machine, What can I or shall I do to solve the problem?
    Please help!!!


    1. Hello MeHigh,
      if you have a Romanian dictionary in the correct format, you can simply place it in the Dictionary folder of your Cybook. It will automatically be added to your list of dictionaries.


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