Cybook Odyssey: firmware upgrade v4.0.1476

A new firmware upgrade to version 4.0.1476 is now available for the Cybook Odyssey. It will be automatically proposed to you via the wifi connection as soon as you connect your Odyssey, or you can download it from our site for manual installation: Support > Download.

The change log is also available for download on our site.

Version 4.0 (build 1476)

  • Fix: pressing side buttons could lead to turn 2 pages instead of 1.
  • Fix: some SDHC cards were not recognized.

Version 4.0 (build 1470)

  • Optimization of touch reactivity and sensitivity.
  • Smoother animations and scrolling.
  • Fix on USB disconnections.
  • Fix on highlight and annotations (1 & 2 fingers).
  • Serial number visible in “About” box and in /system/sn.txt

Automated installation (Wi-Fi)

  • Connect the Cybook to the Internet (ebook store or browser), the latest firmware update is proposed, validate.
  • The firmware update is automatically downloaded then installed.
  • The device restarts automatically with the new software version.

Manual installation

  • Download the firmware update file from
  • Copy the file CybUpdate.bin onto a microSD card.
  • Switch off your Cybook (Home, “Settings”, “Advanced”, “Shutdown”).
  • Insert the microSD card.
  • Press the main button (central button below the screen) and keep it pressed while switching on the Cybook.
  • When the boot image appears (after about 2s), you can release the main button.
  • The firmware update will be launched and, once complete, will reboot the device automatically.

Happy reading,
Bookeen Team

2 thoughts on “Cybook Odyssey: firmware upgrade v4.0.1476

  1. Hi! I received yesterday my new Odyssey. I was checking all the specifications and video possible before buying it and I have to admit that is even better I expected. It’s my first ebook reader and I have several ideas to improve it with the time. I miss some more options in the internet main menu, like rss feeds. I also would like to be able to save my google, fb, readybility … user/password not to enter every time. It would be interesting to be able to disable some animations that I dont like that much, like the zoom of the cover before opening a ebook. It would be posible also to filter or have invisible the ebooks in your library already readed. As I said before, I am very happy with my device and I hope I could also help to improve it for new releases. Thank you 🙂


    1. Hello David,
      thanks for your message. We’re very glad to know you are happy with your Cybook Odyssey. 🙂 I will pass along your suggestions to our tech team, or you can send them directly using the contact form on our site. The option to disactivate the cover animation when you open a book is already planned and will be added via a future upgrade.
      Happy reading!
      Bookeen Team


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