Dictionary beta-tests: Go!

A warm thank you to all those who volunteered for the dictionary beta-tests! We are delighted to see such an enthusiastic response from our users. Rather than limit registration, we’ve decided to open the tests to everyone who would like to participate.

The first tests start now with 4 dictionaries available:

  • Italian
  • English
  • English > French
  • English > Italian

To participate, it’s very simple:

  1. make sure that the firmware of your Cybook Odyssey is version 1.4.1485 or later
  2. open the browser
  3. tap the address bar
  4. enter
  5. download the dictionary(ies) of your choice

The installation is automatic.

Please submit your comments using the contact form on our site.

Happy reading!

Bookeen Team

Update 29 february 2012: Thanks to everyone for their precious feedback! Find out what comes next here: http://blog.bookeen.com/odyssey-dictionary-feedback/

Update 6 december 2012: For those of you looking for a specific dictionary, take a look at this free tool created by a clever Cybook user which allows you to convert any StarDict or XML format dictionary for your Cybook. Thank you, Pettarin! I thought I would put the links directly in the articles for easier reference.


41 thoughts on “Dictionary beta-tests: Go!

  1. two or more dictionaries doesn’t work simultainesly, this mean that i cannot bring with me more than one for time.
    When i try to select an italian word as “gonnella” it recall the wrong word ‘go’ (english > italian) instead of italian > italian ‘gonnella’ .
    Where do i have the possibility of choice which ditcionaty can using ?


  2. Hello, thanks for the dictionaries but I am a bit confused. I have downloaded 2 dictionaries – English, English-French. There is a new “Dictionaries” folder but it is empty. And there is no effect on English texts, with the French only the Littree can be activated. Even this is a “hazard” – mostly the page is turned instead of activating the dictionary. Often a word cannot be consulted (no effect on touching it).
    regards, Ivan


  3. @Ivan: yes, it seems that your Odyssey did not download/install the dictionary correctly. Try the following:

    1) Download on your PC
    2) Rename it to en.gcide.dict.zip
    3) Extract it
    4) Copy the resulting en.gcide.dict and en.gcide.dict.idx files into the Dictionaries directory of your Odyssey
    5) Select a word while reading an ebook with “en” language in its metadata.

    (Essentially those .install files are ZIPs of a dictionary file and an index in SQLite3 format)


  4. quick note: it says installation is required, but it seams you failed to mention that a shutdown and restart of the Odyssey is required.

    And Ivan,
    you can avoid the accidental turning of the page if you select a word until it is highlighted, and leave your finger for a second or longer on it. There is a difference in tapping and releasing right away and just tabbing and waiting.

    The highlight and annotate can be accessed the same way, tap and hold with one finger on the word, then after that ADD another finger and move down almost like pinch to zoom to start selecting a passage. once released it will ask if you want to add a note or a highlight.

    Unfortunately the manual does not mention any of this in enough detail.


  5. By the way, how are we supposed to give you guys Feedback on our findings during testing the dictionaries and dictionary support. Do you want us to post comments here?

    If so here is my first complaint:

    If a book does not have a language set the dictionary for the language of the Odyssey is used e.g. if french is the language, the FR-FR is used, if english the EN-EN is used. BUT if french is used as language, then a english set book uses EN-FR. Depending on what you are reading, the EN-EN might be more useful than the simple translation EN-FR. Having to change the language of the ereader seams difficult to force certain behavior.

    Leave the automatic selection for initial selection of the dictionary based on book language and ereader language, but let us change which dictionary we want on a per book option.


  6. There is a great mystery linked to the practice of metadata:
    If for example I read an Italian book which in its inside was present an English slogan like “Go big or go home” in which direction moves the built-in dictionary?
    It ‘s inevitable that user must decide at the moment which of his dictionaries on board is the most suitable for the current translation.


  7. Mmm, maybe we can make our own dictionary. interesting.

    If we have english and english – french, how to tell the odyssey where to look ?


  8. Hello,

    I’ve tested it and these are my suggestions:

    1) Please provide support for third parties dictionaries (I’ve a .dic file, but I can’t use it here..)
    2) We need a better support for non-ascii characters. This is particularly important for the written pronunciation of some words, like Brilliant (brĭlyant, on gcide, Br[ì^]llyant on Odyssey)


  9. Thank you, guys!!! The en-en dictionary seems to work great and is very helpful!! If I come up with any suggestions for improvements, I’ll contact you via the form! 🙂

    I hope once these dictionaries are off beta state, you might also consider an english-greek dictionary too, even a greek-greek if you feel too generous! 😀

    Happy weekend! 🙂


  10. Thanks for the dictionaries.You were very quick to respond.The en-en dictionary works perfectly well,and it’s very responsive although,I think, it’s a little weird as far as the phonetics and a little old-fashioned.
    I’m looking forward to an english-greek dictionary or even a greek-greek one.


  11. On the En-En-Dictionary I encounter that there are often different entries of the same word. It’s boring to switch forth and back. Could you please join them in one entry? Scrolling would be better. Sometimes there are entries which suggest to look up the main word, but there is no link that would bring that word up.


  12. great!

    I am now using the English dictionary and it works without flaws, even thouhg direct installation did not work.

    When will you publish a Swedish dictionary?


  13. I’d like to see the common dictionnaries result merged. For instance : my cybook is configured in french. My ebook is in english. I want to see results from both EN-EN dictionary (for semantic) and EN-FR (for translation).

    If it helps someone else, the “Dictionaries” directory did not exist on my Cybook Odyssey “by Virgin”. I had to create it manually in the root folder.

    I tried the EN-FR dictionary. The phonems characters for pronounciation are all replaced by a generic crossed-square symbol. For instance, the pronounciation part of “financial year” is writen “fainaen[x]lj[x][x]r”.


  14. Hi,

    The problem that i noticed with the english dictionary is that although i have setup the system language in french, when i read a romanian or greek book and i find a french word untraslated, the dictionary that opens is the english one and not the french one. I think it will be better to let us choose what dictionary to use.


  15. hello! I would also love to have an English-Greek and a Greek-Greek dictionary.
    Or the possibility to add myself a third party dictionary like magenta…


  16. I ‘ve installed both the English-English dictionary and the English-Italian but as many other people commented here it is impossible to choose which one you want to use… To tell the truth my reader only opens the english-english dictionary .
    I have a further question about dictionaries: on the user manual at page 19 it is written that in the contextual menu there is also the function “Look up: In order to look up a word in the French dictionary” –
    why my ebook reader doesn’t have this function in the menu and why only the french dictionary?


  17. Hello,

    thanks for your dictionaries. I am very much interested in an english>geman dictionary. do you also provide such a dictionary?

    Thanks a lot


  18. Hello,

    I do not have any clue on how to use the dictionary.
    In mz Bookeen were pre-installed 2 dictionary but still I could not find how to use them.

    Any help?


    1. Hello Antonios,
      in order to use the dictionary in your Cybook, just hold your finger on the word you would like to look up for a second or two. The word will be highlighted, and the definition will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. The dictionary will be automatically selected, depending on the language of your book, as it is defined in the book’s meta-data.

      Don’t hesitate to contact our support directly if you need more detailed assistance. https://service.bookeen.com/en/&languageid=1


  19. Hi meanwhile I managed to create successfully the en-de dictionary. However the directory is not used by the e-reader! Can I only select en-en, fr-fr,…?
    Selecting en as Odyssey language nothing happens when I “click” in an English book to a word. But when I change to ge as Odyssey language English books are translated to German. How does the language translation selection work? It looks like it is based on the selected e-reader and book language. Thanks for the clarification and help.


    1. Hello Willi,
      the dictionary used by your Cybook is automatically selected based on the language of your book. This language is defined in the meta-data of the epub file, and it is independent of the language you select for your Cybook interface (so, you can have your menus in German, but if you are reading a book in English, the dictionary chosen will be the English dictionary). To verify or change the language, you can use the free library management software Calibre http://calibre-ebook.com/ , for books with no drm.
      I hope this helps you. For more detailed assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our support here: https://service.bookeen.com/en/&languageid=1
      Happy reading,
      Bookeen Team


  20. I know it’s very old and it’s quite possible Users no longer read it and so on, but maybe somehow it could work for me. I’m Polish and I have an option to buy a muse hd from a legit Polish shop, not refurbished, not outlet, they say it’s brand new only they used to have this particular model years ago and one (or several items, not sure) got lost in their storehouse. I have a reservation for this “found” reader (or one of them) and I’m to see it next week to verify if it’s really “new” that is if a model from 2016 can be “new”. I’m pretty sure it comes with Polish menu but without Polish dictionaries. Are there ANY Polish-to-language or language-to-Polish dictionaries available? Can I safely buy it or should I rather find another model that is really new and not just “new-ish”? Please help me, I should let them know if I’m interested next week, possibly before Wednesday. No offence meant, it’s just my English is average, sorry. If anyone could write back here or use the email I’m to provide, I’d be grateful. Thank you for your time.


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