Update for Thalia Odyssey now available

Excellent news for Bookeeners with Thalia Odysseys: the long-awaited update is available NOW. Please be sure to charge your battery, then activate the wifi connection and follow the instructions to install the update.

Odyssey update

We know you have been very impatient to receive this update and we apologise again for the delay. Thank you all for your patience. We hope you will enjoy the new interface and features.

Here’s what you’ll find in the new version:

Software update for Cybook Odyssey Firmware « Boo reader 6.2 »

This update is compatible with all models of the Cybook Odyssey range (Odyssey (2011,2012) Odyssey 2013 edition, HD FrontLight (2012), Frontlight (2013).

Contents of the update (Build 2316)

  • Pure and Simple Interface
    Thanks to this update, the cybook Odyssey interface is even more intuitive and light. We’ve removed superfluous frames, lines, and shaded zones to improve visibility and simplify navigation.
  • New Library management possibilities
    Now you can store and organize your books by collection with numerous sorting features in addition to using our traditional folder view.
  • SDK adobe Update : Adobe RMSDK update from version 9.2 to 10.0
    • PDF reflow improvements
    • CSS optimisation
    • Bug fix on small issues
  • Annotations
    New Annotations menu: notes and highlights have their own menu for simpler access. (Note export is planned for a future update.) Tip: to add a note or highlight, touch the beginning and end of the text you want to select, and hold until you see the text highlighted. A dialogue box with the options « Add highlight » and « Add note » will appear.
  • Text Search
    This is a brand new feature. Now on you can search for occurrences of a key word in the text of your book by selecting the word, the same way you consult the dictionary. Just press your finger on the word you want until you see it highlighted to bring up the search options. You can also search for any word in your book or in the dictionary, by simply typing it into the on-screen keyboard.
  • Bookmarks
    The use of bookmarks stays the same, but a new management menu is added.
    Tip: to add a bookmark, tap the top right corner of the screen. You can remove a bookmark by tapping again.
  • Text settings
    The text settings interface has been completely reorganised for fluid and easy use. The main settings are now presented together on one page for easy access.

    • Margins, Line spacing and Justification
      Three new options are now proposed to adapt the page layout to your preferences.
    • New Font
      New Caecilia Font fully optimized to ereaders is added (Monotype licence).
  • Pageometer
    A pageometer makes book navigation even faster. Tap the lower edge of the screen to access it. Use the slider to move through your book, or tap the page number to bring up a numerical keypad and enter the page you want directly.
  • PDF management
    A new PDF surf function with a miniature page map is now available. This miniature lets you see where you are in the page instantly in zoom mode.
  • Progress bar
    A progress bar on the Home page tells you at a glance how much of your book you’ve read.
  • Sleep mode screens
    In addition to your own images, you can now use a book cover as your sleep mode screen. Choose your favourite, or automatically display the cover of the book you’re reading.
  • Dictionary
    Addition of a multiple dictionary manager: choose which dictionaries to use, and the order to display dictionary results in. We include the Cambridge English dictionary and a light English to French dictionary.
    This manager makes it easy to add more dictionaries if needed.

Simply connect your Cybook to a Wi-Fi network for an instant update and follow the procedure…

NB Please charge your Cybook Odyssey’s battery for at least 2 hours before installing the update!

Happy Cybook-reading to all of you,

Bookeen Team


25 thoughts on “Update for Thalia Odyssey now available

  1. Thank you. A really nice update and a smooth look + some new features and a new font. I like it. Its like having a new reader 🙂


  2. Finaly it Works!
    Thanks for the great support and for that impressive Update. A little bit like a “new” Odyssee; and my next eReader will again be a Bookeen 🙂

    Unlike your notice the update contains Boo Reader Version 6.3 (PDF-Reader is Version 10.0).


  3. Thanx for the update…but…
    where can i find this Sleep-Mode-screen-feature?
    I’d really like to see the bookcover as sleepscreen but where the h*ll it that feature hidden?


    1. Hello Bookeenuser,
      you can find the settings for the sleep mode screen here :
      Home > Menu > Advanced > Sleep Mode > Screensaver
      to display the cover of the book you’re reading, choose “Current Read”.


  4. @Team
    thank you very much. I must have been completely blind.
    Now i activated my current book.
    Is there any possiblity to deactivate this huuuge “sleep mode, please click power button”-banner?


    1. Very glad to help, Bookeenuser. 🙂 The “current read” sleep mode display is also one of my favourite new features. Concerning the “sleep mode” banner, unfortunately it’s not currently possible to disactive it, however that option is already on our list for future development.


  5. Hola,
    No me gusta esta actualización, habeis sacado la opcion de acceder al navegador de internet.
    Cuando compré este libro electronico, este fue uno de los motivos por los que lo elegí.
    ¿Como puedo desinstalar esta actualización para tener acceso al navegador nuevamente?


  6. Hola,

    Quería saber como puedo acceder libremente a internet con navegador externo despues de actualizar el libro electronico.
    El motivo de comprarlo fue que tenia acceso libre a internet, queria saber como volver a la version original o como poder tener esa opcion


    1. Hola,
      Gracias por tu mensaje. Todavía se puede acceder a Internet al igual que antes. Desde la pantalla de inicio, toque “Ver” en la parte derecha de la pantalla, al lado de “Libreria online”. Esto le llevará al navegador, en lugar de la librería.
      Espero que esto responda tu pregunta. Estoy utilizando el traductor de google, como yo no hablo español, así que disculpen los errores!


  7. Thank’s for great update. I only wish that the books marked as “read” are not moved to a folder with the same name. This would facilitate their transfer back to your computer and make it easier to manage the books in the reader. May be in next update?


    1. Hello Vader, thanks for your message. We’re really glad to know that you like the update. 🙂
      Books are marked as “read” using tags rather than physically moving the files, because this allows you to apply several different tags to the same book, without having duplicate copies (for instance, you could mark the same book as “short stories”, “science fiction” and “currently reading” without having three separate copies). Moving books to a separate folder would make it harder to manage your library using tags and collections, so I don’t think it’s currently a planned feature, but I will pass along your message. Did you know, you can delete a book directly from your Cybook, without having to move it back to your computer first? When you are done reading, just long press the book from your library view until you get a dialog box with several options, including “Delete”. Make sure to keep a backup copy on your computer when you copy your book to your Cybook. That way you don’t have to worry about moving the book back to your computer and you can keep your library organised as you read.


  8. Thank you for quick response. I know about “Delete” function in Cybook. The proposed procedure ( when I delete book in Cybook and store copy of this book in PC) has one big disadvantage. After several months I don’t remember which books I’ve read. Therefore directly after book deletion I also have to move on PC a copy of deleted book to folder when I store all books which I’ve read. As I do not, wanting to copy new books to read from computer to the reader I do not know which of them I already have read. I can thus recopy already read books. Therefore I have one question: Do you plan to unblock the Cybook reader during PC connection? (Now during connection we have blocked screen and buttons.) This feature could help manage books.
    Best Regards


    1. Hello Vader, thanks for the explanation. As far as I know, it will not be possible to simultaneously connect via USB while also accessing your library directly from your Cybook’s interface; you can either access the files or use your Cybook to read while recharging the battery, but not both. If you are having trouble keeping track of which books you’ve read, you might be interested in trying Calibre as a library management app; it will let you mark books with tags (so you can indicate if you have read them) or add a rating using stars (this can also be used to keep track of which books you’ve read and which you haven’t). You can download it for free here: http://calibre-ebook.com/ When you are planning to add or remove some books to your Cybook, you could first mark the books in Calibre which you’ve already read, before connecting, so you can easily keep track.
      I hope that helps.


  9. Thank you for quick response. I think that the best solution to this problem would be if while deleting a book in the reader the deleted book would not be physically deleted but moved to a special folder (trash). This folder and its contents would be visible on the computer when you connect with the reader. In the menu, the reader should be an extra option to delete files from this folder.
    Best Regards


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