#CybookParade: 2017 in pictures!

2017 is over, but it’s left us with lots of memories and beautiful pictures! Here’s a look at our “best 9” on Instagram (thank you for all the likes! ❤ ) and a few of our favourites from the #CybookParade that you’ve shared on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook (thank you for all your wonderful photos! ❤ )

You guys loved the “Reading survival kit” picture we shared so much, we made it into a screensaver so everyone could have one: get it here for your Cybook!

Fuel for reading

In 2017 we hosted several #BookeenCafé events, because as much as we love talking with you about ebooks, ereaders, and reading online, it’s a lot of fun to do it in person too! We invited authors who are passionate about their craft and readers enthusiastic about books to join us for evenings on the themes of Mystery and Thrillers, Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Romance. It was amazing to meet so many of you in person and we’ll definitely do it again in 2018!

We have absolutely loved seeing the gorgeous photos so many of you have shared on the gram! And clearly we’re not the only ones. 🙂

Photo by @ju_bouquine
Photo by @tyncin_knizni_cirkus – in case you had any doubt that reading and cats are perfect together!
Photo by @read_loved_shared
Photo by @eenoli – we love that quote from Neil Gaiman too! ❤

The photos you shared for the #CybookParade confirm that your Cybooks are your faithful companions in fair weather…

Photo by @Koxi73

…and also in foul weather…

Photo by Natasha L

That they’re by your side wherever you go…

Photo by @xDangerBlack

But that they also love a quiet evening at home with a nice cup of tea!

Photo by Kerstin R

Thanks again to all of you, for sharing your reads and your photos with us through the year! We wish you all the best for 2018: we hope this year will be full of new favourite books, nights spent reading “just one more chapter” and that your “to read” lists will be overflowing. 😏📚 We can’t wait to see your next photos! ❤

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