New Year’s resolutions: Read more!!

Ah, January. Time to reflect on the past year and plan for the new one; time to make a few resolutions and cultivate healthy reading habits…

So, New Year’s Resolutions: can we talk about that? Let’s start with the obvious one: read more. When I put it like that, who can argue, right? 😉 But, when you get down to the details, there is more than one school of thought! What’s your approach?

Join (or start!) a book club

Motivation, conviviality, new discoveries… book clubs let you share your reading with others so you can discuss it together and compare your thoughts. Amongst friends, in person or online, thematic, there are as many possibilities as books! So, basically, endless. 🙂

Challenge: accepted!

In 2018, I want to read: every day / at least 50 books / 5 biographies / 50% books written by women / 10 books written by authors of colour / 50/50 fiction and non-fiction / one book published this year / one public domain classic / at least 3 different genres / a book which won a literary prize / a banned book / … (multiple choices encouraged!)

A reading challenge can be as simple as a page count or a book count, or as complex as a list of 100 different criteria to respect like the ones proposed by some sites or forums! Book Riot made a list of 20 challenges for 2017 and nothing’s stopping you from picking one of them for 2018, or you can try these DIY challenge ideas. A quick browse of the bookish internet will get you plenty more so you’re sure to find one that will rock your boat! Keep a simple list on your blog or in a notebook or go wild with instagram pics or automatic tickers… Tempted? Let loose the hashtags on twitter to let us all know you’re making progress with #your2018readingchallenge!

Scale Mount Everest TBR

Has your TBR been sneakily growing all by itself whenever you have your back turned? (No? Just me? #ReadingLife) There must be some real treasures in there! Maybe in 2018 you’ll dip into it at least once a month? Three times in a row? Between 2 new releases? Your choice, and happy reading to you! 🙂 You let us know if you manage to whittle it down at all. Personally I’ve abandoned all hope of mine ever returning to its once svelt proportions. 😉

Over to you: what are your reading resolutions for 2018? Let us know all about them in the comments, or on twitter or facebook!

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