Cybook update: calling all beta-testers!

The past few months our dev team has been hard at working on an update for your Cybooks with some new features we think you'll be very happy about. What, for instance? Well... Reading time indications (time left before the end of the chapter / the end of the book) Notes export Library: optimisation of … Continue reading Cybook update: calling all beta-testers!

Cybook Odyssey Update: we want YOU to be a beta-tester!

UPDATE DEC. 17 2014: THE UPDATE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL CYBOOK ODYSSEY USERS! All the details are here: Cybook Odyssey update now available! You hoped for it, you asked for it, and we listened to you. We're very happy to announce today that we'll shortly be launching an update to the Cybook Odyssey, including the … Continue reading Cybook Odyssey Update: we want YOU to be a beta-tester!

Cybook Odyssey: Dictionary Feedback

Following up on the dictionary beta tests, we would like to thank you very much for the rich feedback we received. We know you're all very interested to know about future development, so we wanted to share some information with you about our plans. Based on your feedback, we have already scheduled the following for … Continue reading Cybook Odyssey: Dictionary Feedback

Dictionary beta-tests: Go!

A warm thank you to all those who volunteered for the dictionary beta-tests! We are delighted to see such an enthusiastic response from our users. Rather than limit registration, we've decided to open the tests to everyone who would like to participate. The first tests start now with 4 dictionaries available: Italian English English > … Continue reading Dictionary beta-tests: Go!

Beta-test for dictionaries

Bookeen wants YOU to beta-test new dictionaries! Our development team is hard at work finalising a selection of new dictionaries, and we’re looking for some beta-testers before the public release. Currently we need testers for the following languages: Italian English English to French English to Italian The test will begin around the 17th of January. … Continue reading Beta-test for dictionaries